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Transparency Notice

Bachelor Gulch Metropolitan District

Pursuant to section 32-1-809, Colorado Revised Statutes for Transparency Notices may be filed with Special District Association of Colorado. This information must be provided annually to the eligible electors of the district no later than January 15 of each year.

*Note that some information provided herein may be subject to change after the notice is posted.

District's Principal Business Office

Company                      Marchetti & Weaver, LLC

Contact                         Kenji Nakata

Address                         28 2nd St., Unit 213, Edwards, Colorado 81632

Phone                            970.926.6060 ext 116

District's Physical Location

Counties                       Eagle

Regular Board Meeting Information

Location                     All meetings will be held via Zoom. Please visit information-2/ for meeting times and Agendas.


Day(s)                          4th Wednesday of every month except Nov & Dec, 3rd Wed

Time                              1:00 pm

Posting Place for Meeting Notice

Location: meetings?year=2025



Notice of Proposed Action to Fix or Increase Fees, Rates, Tolls, Penalties or Charges for Domestic Water or Sanitary Sewer Services


Address Date Notice


Current District Mill Levy

Mills                              2 mills


Ad Valorem Tax Revenue

Revenue reported may be incomplete or unaudited as of the date this Notice was posted.

Amount($)     493,495.82 Through Nov2024


Date of Next Regular Election

Date                               05/06/2025

Pursuant to 24-72-205 C.R.S

The district's research and retrieval fee is per hour

District Policy

Policy on file at the District Administrator's office and the District's website.

28 Second St, Suite 213

Edwards, CO 81632

District contact information for open records request:

Kenji Nakata


Names of District Board Members

Board President

Name                             Michael Leeds

Contact Info        

Election                          Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot


Board Member 2

Name                             Linda Flanders

Contact Info        

Election                          No, this office will not be on the next regular election ballot


Board Member 3

Name                             Blair Hayes

Contact Info        

Election                          No, this office will not be on the next regular election ballot


Board Member 4

Name                              Michael De Mane

Contact Info        

Election                          Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot


Board Member 5

Name                           Russ Coburn

Contact Info      

Election                        Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot


Board Candidate Self-Nomination Forms


Any eligible elector of the special district who desires to be a candidate for the office of special district director must file a self- nomination and acceptance form or letter with the designated election official.

Deadline for Self-Nomination Forms


Self-nomination and acceptance forms or letters must be filed not less than 67 days before the date of the regular election.

District Election Results


The district's current election results will be posted on the website of the Colorado Secretary of State ( and the website indicated below, if any.



Permanent Mail-In Voter Status


Absentee voting and Permanent absentee voter status (formerly Permanent Mail-In voter status): Where to obtain and return forms.

28 2nd St., Unit 213, Edwards, CO 81632

970.926.6060 ext 116


Applications for absentee voting or for permanent absentee voter status are available from and must be returned to the Designated Election Official.

28 2nd St., Unit 213, Edwards, CO 81632

970.926.6060 ext 116

Notice Completed By

Name: Kenji Nakata, Marchetti & Weaver, LLC

Company/District: Marchetti & Weaver, LLC

Title: District Administrator


Dated: 01/08/2025